Everything you need to know ABOUT ME

Hello, world. I am, have always been, and will forever be known as Greg Curtis. May his name be remembered for great feats (feats to be included at a later date). I am a sales rep for an all-natural Kava Kava and Kratom drink called Feel Free. To know me is to know one of the happiest people you could know. I have an amazing family and friend group who I know are always behind me. I do a great job of living in the present and not allowing things to stress me out. This ability  I will forever be grateful for as it allows me generally to always be in a good mood. I put the fan in fanatic when it comes to the sports world. Football is my go-to however I am proficient in almost every sport and to that effect I am the Marketing Officer for Oregon State Universities Rugby Team. GO GET EM BEAVS. I enrolled in Principles of Marketing because I need it in order to graduate. To that end, I am very hopeful that I can learn some good marketing techniques specifically tailored to my job and how I can get this relatively unknown product to be a household name in my local area. 


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